Understanding the wild boar paradox

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Recording from the live event at the Sofia Science Festival 2024 І 18:00 – 19:00 І Hall OCEAN І students grade 8-12, adults

The Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 had a major impact on the forest ecosystem in Central Europe. After the accident, the consumption of mushrooms was discouraged because of the high radioactive contamination, and the meat of wild animals was also severely affected for several years. While the contamination of deer and roe deer decreased over time as expected, the measured levels of radioactivity in the meat of wild boar remained surprisingly high. Find out more about this paradox from Austrian professor of applied radiochemistry Georg Steinhauser.

This event is presented in partnership with the Austrian Embassy and is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the American theoretical physicist Robert Oppenheimer.
In English.

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Georg Steinhauser is a graduate of the University of Vienna (Diploma 2003, Chemistry) and the TU Wien (PhD 2005, Radiochemistry). His scientific roots are around the 250 kW research reactor of the TRIGA Center Atominstitut of TU Wien. In 2013, he accepted an appointment as a tenure track assistant professor of radiochemistry to the Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences at Colorado State University, USA. In 2014, he was guest professor at Fukushima University, Japan. In 2015, he was appointed as professor of physical radioecology to Leibniz University Hannover (Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection). In 2021, he was invited to join the Nuclear and Radiochemistry Group of Los Alamos National Laboratory as a research scholar in the course of a sabbatical. In 2022, he accepted an offer to return to TU Wien as professor of applied radiochemistry.

Since 2013, Steinhauser has been a member of the Radiation Protection Advisory Board of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health. His current work focuses on environmental radioactivity after nuclear releases and nuclear emergencies (Fukushima and Chernobyl), environmental nuclear forensics, radionuclide analysis, neutron activation analysis, and synthetic inorganic chemistry of the f-block elements. Steinhauser is a member of the GDCh (member of the board of the working group Analytics with Radionuclides and High Power Radiation Sources), GÖCH, DPG, ASER, and the Executive Committee of Isotopes and Radiation Division of the American Nuclear Society. Since 2016, he is editor of the Springer-Nature journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

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